Our wines
We present you the wines of Alto de Inazares.
Made at 1,373 meters of altitude in the highest vineyard on the European continent.
Discover how to acquire Alto de Inazares wines through the Wine Club
Harvest 2021
Select a wine to know its technical sheet, the climate, the vineyard and the harvest.
Monastrell 2021. Left to stand.
Pinot Noir 2021. Left to stand.
Syrah 2021. Left to stand.
Cruzado 2021. Left to stand.
Viognier 2021. 91 Peñin points. Available..
Chardonnay 2021. 90 Peñin points. Available.
Blanco de Blancas 2021. 90 Peñin Points >>Available.
Mulato 2021. Left to stand
Harvest 2020
Select a wine to know its technical sheet, the climate, the vineyard and the harvest.
Monastrell 2020. 93 Peñin points. Silver Medal in the «Awards Akatavino 2022». 92 points. >>Available
Pinot Noir 2020. Top 5º Revelation of the year. Gold Medal in the «Awards Akatavino 2022». 95 points >> Available.
Syrah 2020. 92 puntos Penín. Gold Medal in the «Awards Akatavino 2022» 93 points. Gold Medal in the «Cata-Concurso internacional PREMIOS ECOVINO 2022». >>Available.
Viognier 2020. 90 Peñin points. Gold Medal in the «Awards Akatavino 2022» 93 points. Sol out
Chardonnay 2020. 92 Peñin points. Sold out
Harvest 2019
Select a wine to know its technical sheet, the climate, the vineyard and the harvest.
Blanco de Blancas 2019. 90 Peñín points. Sold out.
Mulato 2019. 91 Peñín points. Silver Medal at Mondiale des Vins Extrêmes 2021. Available.
Monastrell 2019. 93 Peñín points. Gold Medal at Mondiale des Vins Extrêmes 2021. Sol out
Pinot Noir 2019. Sold out.
Syrah 2019. 92 Peñín points. Sold out.
Harvest 2018
Select a wine to know its technical sheet, the climate, the vineyard and the harvest.
Viognier 2018. 90 Peñín points. Sol out.
Chardonnay 2018. Sol out.
Pinot Noir 2018. 91 Peñín points. Sol out.
Syrah 2018. 91 Peñín points. Sol out.
Monastrell 2018. 91 Peñín points. Sol out.
Mulato 2018. 90 Peñín points. Sol out.
Harvest 2017
Select a wine to know its technical sheet, the climate, the vineyard and the harvest.
Blanco de Blancas 2017. 91 Peñín points. Sol out.
Syrah 2017. 91 Peñín points. Sol out.
Pinot Noir 2017. 90 Peñín points. Sol out.